Painting, Calligraphy
Ahmed Al Muhairi
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
INTENTIONS Acrylic on Canvas 100 x 150 cm
Our intentions are a complication of thoughts, emotions, and human nature. Is there one intention for a single human action, or is it always about so many of them buried deep in our subconscious? Are they really a group of similar pieces, or just chips of totally different broken objects? Where does it begin? It is impossible to pinpoint the starting intention in that confusing mosaic with illogical directions. At a closer look we find that some of them natural and organic, Stony and rugged, or even old and rusty with a clear and touchable texture. Some of them look shiny and transparent, still sharp and dangerous. However, most of them are fabricated with a manufactured plastic material. At the end, we all see our intentions as the most colorful picture, because we always try to justify our motives to ourselves with total denial of the reality of their origins.
‏النوايا ... نوايانا هي مركب معقد من ‏الافكار والأحاسيس و الطبيعة الإنسانية. ‏للوهلة الأولى نظن بأن سلوكنا مصدره نوايا واضحة وسهلة الفهم بالنسبة لنا ولكن السؤال هو .. هل لكل سلوك إنساني نية واحدة ومحددة أم أن هناك عدد لا يحصى منها دفين في عقلنا الباطن ؟هل هي فعلا قطع متشابهة تشكل صورة متجانسة أم أن المدقق فيها يرى أنها كسر مفتتة من أشياء سابقة كانت في يوم ما أشياء كاملة قبل أن تتحطم. ‏كيف نعرف من أين تبدأ نوايانا وما هو مصدرها وهي تتشابك على شكل أمواج ‏غير منطقية ينعدم فيها الاتجاه. ‏بعض القطع طبيعية وحية وبعضها ‏خشن وحجري وقد يكون البعض قديم ومغطى بالصدأ. ‏قد يكون بعضها ‏لامع وشفاف ولكن يجب أن نحذرها لأنها حادة قد تجرحنا. ‏في النهاية جميعنا نرى نوايانا في صورة ملونة وجميلة لأننا دائما نحاول أن نبررها لأنفسنا متجاهلين حقيقتها وحقيقة مصدرها.
THE RIDER Acrylic on Canvas 100 x 150 cm
YOU are the rider ..... and this is the horse of greatness and glory ,if you ride it , it will take you to where all the great people have travelled. This is a historical picture because it's been there through history since the beginning of humanity ,but if you want to really see it you have to be determined to take the road to glory. It will know if you have the heart ... and you will see it standing there waiting for you to take your place .You will know it by the wind moving above its back ,because greatness is always in motion even when it's standing still.
Rise above it all .... Rise to your glory ...
‏الفارس .... انت الفارس وهذا حصان المجد والنجاح، ‏إذا ركبته سوف يأخذك حيثما اخذ جميع العظماء. ‏هذه صورة ‏تاريخية له لانه موجود منذ بداية البشرية. ‏ولكن إن أردت أن تراه فعلا فيجب أن تكون عازما على أن تأخذ طريق المجد. ‏سوف يعرف إذا كنت تمتلك القلب المناسب و‏سوف تراه واقفا هناك ينتظرك كي تأخذ مكانك ‏وسوف تعرف علامته من تلك الرياح التي تجرى على ظهره لان المجد دائما في حركة حتى وهو ساكن.
ارتق العلا .... ارتق للمجد ...
THE RIDER - Close up
Although it was difficult and time-consuming , I’ve chosen to use a mosaic image for the subject to emphasize the mythic idea and to make it more mysterious to the viewer ,because you are not looking at the actual horse ,instead ,you are looking at the historical description of it ,which supposed to make you believe that there is an actual horse out there.
Visually ,there is nothing supranational about this horse .No wings no horns or anything else that you would expect of a mythical horse , it looks like an ordinary horse .l believe if you want to achieve success you have to be realistic, in addition to being a dreamer. You have to be aware of what is possible to achieve the impossible. You are seeing a real horse because you are realistic ,but remember ,you can see the wind on its back because you are a dreamer.
Now I know that there are a lot of artworks that talk about relevant subjects which the viewer may,or may not, sympathize with ,but in this work I tried to make the viewer as the actual subject ,because the viewer is the only thing missing from the picture ,the vibrant royal blue in the center is screaming there's something missing here.It's not about sympathizing with the idea .. you don't have a choice in being the rider .. you only have a choice in taking the ride. In other words ,the horse is waiting for you .... you are the rider ... it's not about the horse it's about you.
The rider needs equipments to ride a horse . Now there is a saddle on its back and a bridle on its head.You need a stirrup for the feet to control yourself and you need reins to control the horse but those control equipments are missing. What's missing here is also part of the rider ,because you will control yourself with patience and you will control the horse with determination.
بالرغم من أن رسم الفسيفساء تطلب الكثير من الجهد والوقت إلا انه كان من المهم التعبير عن شخصية الحصان بهذه الطريقة ‏لإعطاء الموضوع طابع أسطوري لأن المشاهد لا ينظر إلى حصان المجد بشكل مباشر ولكن ينظر الى نقش فسيفسائي يصف الحصان ‏وهذا يؤدي إلى أننا قد نصدق بأن هناك حصان حقيقي بهذا الوصف.
من ناحية الشكل فإن هذا الحصان لا يمتلك أي مظاهر خارقة مثل الجناحين أو القرون أو أي من المظاهر التي قد نتوقعها في حصان أسطوري. ‏وكما يبدو لنا فإنه حصان عادي الشكل. ‏وفي اعتقادي إذا أردت أن تحقق النجاح يجب أن تكون واقعيا ‏بالإضافة إلى كونك حالما. ‏وعليك أن تكون واعيا بما هو ممكن كي تحقق المستحيل . ‏أنت ترى حصانا حقيقيا لأنك واقعي ولكنك في نفس الوقت ترى الريح على ظهره لأنك لم تتوقف عن التمسك بأحلامك.
هناك الكثير من الأعمال الفنية التي تؤثر في المشاهد وقد تجعله ‏يتعاطف مع موضوع العمل الفني ولكنني في هذا العمل ‏حاولت أن يكون الموضوع هو المشاهد بشكل فعلي. ‏لان المشاهد هو الشيء الوحيد الذي ينقص من الصورة . ‏حيث أن اللون الأزرق الملكي في وسطها يصرخ بأن هناك شيء يفترض أن يكون في هذا المكان. ‏ولذلك ليست القضية هي أن تتعاطف مع الفكرة ... ‏انه لا يوجد لديك خيار في كونك الفارس ... فقط لديك الخيار بأن تأخذ الرحلة أو لا تأخذها ... بمعنى آخر .. الحصان ينتظرك أنت ...أنت الفارس ... الموضوع ليس عن الحصان ... الموضوع هو أنت .
‏الفارس يحتاج الى ادوات لقيادة الحصان فهناك سرج على ظهره ولجام علي ‏رأسه ‏ولكن تنقصه ادوات التحكم حيث لا يوجد ركاب ليتحكم الفارس في نفسه ولا يوجد عنان ليتحكم في الحصان...‏أدوات السيطرة الناقصه هي جزء من الفارس ‏حيث سيكون الصبر هو ركابك وسيكون الإصرار هو عنانك.
Nur Ala Nur .. Light upon light
Introduction to my calligraphy
I just want to clarify that I am not a calligrapher or a calligraphy artist, I am a calligraphy illustrator which considered as totally different levels.
A calligrapher can write letters according to calligraphy rules applying direct strokes on the surface. On the other hand, a calligraphy illustrator illustrates the letters using multiple choice of media and applying the process of drawing or painting but not writing.
In my opinion even some of what considered as a traditional calligraphy is actually in the level of illustration calligraphy like the Arabic Kofi style, because it's applying that kind of process.
I really admire calligraphy artists because it takes a lot of control, timing and balance. It's almost like dancing or playing music, the calligraphy artist is actually performing with a brush or a pen.
Of course, calligraphy illustration has the benefits of more freedom of expression, better choice of media and maybe the liberty of bending of calligraphy rules. All of which, can help calligraphy crossing the line to different art fields.
Contemporary calligraphy can use both of those methods ,but in my opinion the main difference is in the process of drawing or writing.
Nur Ala Nur .. Light upon light
In the Holy Quran Surat An-Nur (The Light) chapter 24, verses from 35 to 40 present to us Images that cannot be translated to visual pictures by any kind of media, simply because the human mind is the closest and may be the only medium to comprehend those visions.
The verses describe levels or layers of light and darkness reaching the brightest stars and the darkest depth in the ocean. The light flickers, or reflects grow more or grow less, in a sequence of metaphors referring to the levels of guidance, enlightenment and inner goodness in human lives.
This artwork is definitely not an attempt to illustrate those images ...it's simply an attempt to show my reaction to them.
The design is concentrating on the ward (light) by writing it twice, one ward upon the other in different calligraphy letters except for the middle letter, to symbolize the middle position in changing between light and darkness.
That middle position is changing in relation to degrees of light and darkness.You could hold a candle on a dark night or you could hold a bright lamp under a shiny sun. Goodness is relevant to your maximum potential of giving and to where it's most needed.
If the middle position is changing then this means that there is actually no middle separating darkness from light,it only depends on the amount of light .A cloudy day is much brighter than the darkness of the deep sea and if you combined them together the result is certainly a much darker place.
I surrounded the two wards by a hue of multi-colored strokes to emphasize the levels and degrees of light from the darkest shade to the brightest.
I remember in science class how fascinating it was when I first discovered that light actually consists of many colors.
I admit I'm not happy with the result but the concept behind this artwork is still important to me ,and I'm planning to go for another attempt in the future.
Comments (9)
heba_hassan - November 11, 2017 at 06:30 pm
Catherine Le Paih - February 26, 2016 at 07:51 am
INTENTIONS : colors ,mouvement and vibration all in one ! excellent !
- February 16, 2016 at 02:18 pm
The horse reminds me of the best artworks from the Ancient Rome...fascinating!
FATMA Al Teneiji - February 09, 2016 at 11:18 am
Jeeeee Heeee - February 08, 2016 at 01:34 pm
Ahmed Al Muhairi - February 07, 2016 at 08:45 am
Thank you for your kind comments .. with The Rider I tried to do something unusual which is to use a classic style of painting but for a strictly abstract concept .. I’m trying to say abstract is not about the image only it’s about the idea behind it ..
Charles Robert Olsson - February 07, 2016 at 05:18 am
Hi Ahmed, I love this work, especially early mosaic art. You have captured it beautifully. Please be encouraged to continue.
SZFR - January 03, 2016 at 11:01 pm
very beautiful pieces. The horse one is very stunning indeed. I have made one on 'Noor 3la Noor' as well and again, much like yours, it is the concept behind it that drives me to work on it. Would love to see more of your work.
Khaled Al Jaberi - December 29, 2015 at 02:47 pm
عجبتني هذه الاعمال كثيراً، خاصة الاولى
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