We Are
Installation art
Shereen Saif
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
The erosion of real human interactions and the insidious growth of apathy characterize life in urban environments. What would happen if our eyes met that of a stranger? Would it create a human connection? Could it lead to the thawing of the sense of “otherness”? Is technology dehumanizing us? Can it not? We Are is a deeply immersive and tactile video art installation that examines these questions. Outwardly the installation resembles a VR gaming booth but the actual experience points toward its antithesis. The viewer is invited to takes a seat, wear a VR headset and start the ‘program’. Instead of a simulated video game environment, the viewer meets the ‘projection’ of the artist sitting opposite, in a quiet, friendly gaze. The artist ‘interacts’ with the viewer through the universal language of gesture and with computer generated visuals. To heighten the sensory experience, the visuals were supported by custom designed sound that the viewer can hear and feel through a device attached to the chair. As the simulation progresses, the phrase “We are Human” appears and culminates in a ‘reaching out to touch’ gesture in the hope of eliciting an equal emotional response from the viewer. Created in collaboration with visual artist Patrick Lichty, the piece was commissioned by Dubai Culture for the Sikka Art Fair 2018.
Installation at the Sikka Art Fair 2018
Happiness Meter